Next year, I'm going to move this project to older kids. The final boxes were nice, but I did this once with older girls and the results were much more aesthetically pleasing - not just a picture slapped on top of the boxes. But a little lacquer did wonders.
I buy the boxes at a craft store for a dollar each. Then, we use torn bits of tissue paper, and really any other pictures (I copied these on my color copier)...and diluted Elmer's glue. Then after they are dry, I spray them with lacquer. My daughter and I have made some that are really very nice.....even the ones the fourth graders do aren't bad looking.
I am the mother of two grown-up and very beloved biological children, as well as five children adopted from Russia, a country I love. I work full-time as a Religious Education Director at a Catholic parish, and teach Bible class at the Christian school my children attend. My husband teaches ESL and the 5/6 class at the kids' school, too, making it a family affair. I am so grateful to God for all my blessings and challenges!
What is the original materal for the box? Do you guys use decoupage?
I buy the boxes at a craft store for a dollar each. Then, we use torn bits of tissue paper, and really any other pictures (I copied these on my color copier)...and diluted Elmer's glue. Then after they are dry, I spray them with lacquer. My daughter and I have made some that are really very nice.....even the ones the fourth graders do aren't bad looking.
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