Tuesday, February 1, 2011


I'm just peeved that this does not capture the reality, but I thought if I raised the camera above my head to snap a photo, and someone saw me, it might not go well with me.  There were probably ten carts ahead of me and I was in the middle of the line before I thought to take a photo.  Plus, consider, this was only one of about ten lines; there was one down the length of every aisle.  

How STUPID - how long did people think we'd be snowed in?  I just needed a cabbage to go with the  sausage, or I would have abandoned ship. 

1 comment:

Tina in CT said...

It's not as if you live out in the sticks and could be snowed in for several days. I was in the grocery store before both of our big storms and was surprised that it wasn't mobbed but I was there at off times.