Monday, April 18, 2011


Today was the long-awaited "retreat" for the STA School third graders.  A few months ago it seemed like a great idea to be the "retreat master" for this event.  As time came closer, and I got more details, I wasn't so pleased.  To say the least.  I am a perfectionist and a full-day retreat for 40 third graders in one room is a definite challenge.  The teachers used some grant money to rent a space at the Conservation Center.  And while this meant that I had to haul all the materials out there,  I saw a big upside -  on April 18 it is bound to be beautiful weather and they can have play time outside in the morning and afternoon, as well as at the lunch break....why rent a facility like that, otherwise?   But - here is how our lovely spring day turned out!

The kids went outside at lunch just long enough to get cold, wet and muddy.  The day turned out fine, though.  Perhaps I'll say more about it on the "main" blog.

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